Sustainability in Wholesale Meat Suppliers

Sustainability is becoming the new norm in the world. The meat industry contributes to a lot of environmental damage. Thus, sourcing sustainable meat is essential if you want to get ahead of the curb! Leading green farms offering wholesale frozen meat in Singapore have found a great solution. Such farms use cutting-edge sustainable technology to reduce the impact of meat production on the environment that surrounds it. Using such systems, these farms offer you meat that creates a positive impact on the environment it's grown in. Read on to know more about how sustainability is taking over the meat market in the country. 1. Proprietary Lactobacillus Technology Lactobacillus is a friendly bacteria used to combat harmful bacteria in the environment. This bacteria strain is added to the fodder of chickens. Lactobacillus helps strengthen the immunity of chickens against diseases. Additionally, it also reduces the cholesterol content and saturated fats in chickens, making them...