Why You Should Be Eating Hormone-Free Chicken?

If you have to name one universal cuisine of this era that spans different ethnic borders- the answer would be chicken. With its consistent texture and mild flavours, chicken is like an interesting blank canvas for those who like to experiment with their recipes or their flavour palette. However, just like any other ingredient in this decade, chicken isn’t free of adulteration as well. The question is: Is fresh, hormone-free chicken in Singapore better than conventional one? Well, the answer is yes. There are many upsides of hormone-free chicken. Let’s dive through some of them right away! Excellent source of protein When you consume high-quality chicken, you can get the best protein content. The higher the quality of the chicken, the more amount of nutrients it has. The amount of protein is more because the chicken was fed a better diet and sourced organically. You can rest assured that a single chicken breast would be sufficient to provide you with almost half of yo...